Saturday, September 22, 2012

Joe Biden on Unions

"There is a middle class because of the word union -- that's why there's a middle class!" he forcefully asserted.
Alluding to the imperfect history of unions, which have been declining in membership, the vice president said, "We've all made mistakes - unions make mistakes, politicians make mistakes - but the rock bottom beginning in my hometown of Scranton, Pennsylvania with my great grandfather and grandfather was all about giving people a voice, giving them a voice in their own lives and that's what unions did."

Joe Biden makes the assertion that unions have led to a middle class.  A long history of labor and unions extending back into the middle ages illustrates the relationship between the middle class and unions or guilds.  This article features Joe Biden as a hero to the working class, and Biden pushes this image hard.  The uses a great deal of pathos in his speeches, which has both made strong supporters and vehement opposition.  

His sub--comment about mistakes is interesting, but he dismisses it as fast as he brings it up.  

Having  been a union member for many years, I find his comments essential in this current election year, especially given the Wisconsin incidents.  He preaches to the choir, and he is effective in building support.  

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